Sunday, July 13, 2008

TEN POINTS ABOUT 100 THINGS which every student should know

1. SOS stands for Save Our Souls or Save Our Ship
1. SOS is the International Distress Signal
2. It is very easy to remember morse code for SOS.
   Morse Code for 'S' is ... ( 3 dots )
   Morse Code for 'O' is --- ( 3 dashes)
   So if you want to transmit a distress signal
   using Morse code, you have to send ... --- ...
3. If you want to send distress signal using 
   Torch Light, then you can flash
   3 short / 3 Long / 3 Short Flashes
4. If you rotate the word SOS by 180 degrees,
   then also it will look SOS
5. SOS word was first used in Germany
   during 1905

1. The calendar now we use is the Gregorian Calendar
2. It is the modified form of Julian Calendar
3. The Julian Calendar was having exactly 365.25 days in a year. But actually, a year is of 365.2425 days. If this difference is not corrected, then the seasons will drift slowly. Hence, the gregorian calendar came into existene.It dropped, 3 leap days for every 400 years.
4. To set right the already drifted season, 10 days were DROPPED in the Gregorian calendar. Remember, there is no such date as 5-10-1582 to 14-10-1582. Because Julian calendar ended on 4-10-1582. The next day is 15-10-1582.
5. The word gregory came from the name POPE GREGORY XIII
1. It is a free Video Editing Software
2. It is very good for editing avi files. It will not edit mov,flv,wmv,wma files, normally.
3. To convert flv file to avi file 1.Goto and play any video 2.Now copy the URL in the address bar. 3.Goto and paste this URL and press DOWNLOAD AS FLV 4.Now rename this get_video...file as get_video.flv. Now FLV file ready. MEDIACODER SOFTWARE( it is free download. 17 mb) 7.In this mediacoder, open our flv file.
4. To set right the already drifted season, 10 days were DROPPED in the Gregorian calendar. Remember, there is no such date as 5-10-1582 to 14-10-1582. Because Julian calendar ended on 4-10-1582. The next day is 15-10-1582.
5. The word gregory came from the name POPE GREGORY XIII

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